Welcome to cycle breaker parenting!

Hi, I'm Evelyn – I am a Speaker, Trauma-Informed Parent Coach, and Positive Discipline Educator. I teach Trauma-Informed Positive Discipline tools to help break cycles of punitive punishment at home and in the classroom.

Image of Evelyn

Trauma-informed tools & creative solutions for teachers & parents! How Can I help you?

My approach is straightforward, judgment-free, and laser-focused on empowering teacher's and parents with effective communication skills, creative solutions and impactful tools designed to meet a child's needs to be seen, heard and understood.

On demand classes image

one-on-one Parent Coaching sessions

Curious to know how I might be able to help you become the parent you always wanted to be?
The cycle breaker blueprint

Speaking & Podcast Inquiries

Would you like to have Evelyn come to your church, retreat, convention or community to speak?  
coaching packages

Positive Discipline training for teachers

Would you like to support your staff with effective tools & trauma-informed approaches for supporting children in the classroom? Book a FREE consultation today!
“Fully present, life-giving focus and depth of creativity. If this is what you are looking for in a coach then Evelyn is the person for you!”

Jhorna Hochstedler

“Heartfelt, thought-provoking insight that leaves one feeling empowered and looking in new directions. Evelyn is a guide that is there for you!

Feroshia Knight

“I now look at my parenting from a different angle. I appreciated the understanding and non-judgmental perspective Evelyn brings to her coaching.”

Melissa G.

“Evelyn’s insights are soulful and spot on. She gently guides learning and discovery with grace and ease – what an impact this has had on my personal growth!”

 Deanna L.

“This workshop has made me more aware of my actions regarding my kids. I now take more time to consider their perspective.”

Angela Newton

“Fully present, life-giving focus and depth of creativity. If this is what you are looking for in a coach then Evelyn is the person for you!”

Jhorna Hochstedler

“Heartfelt, thought-provoking insight that leaves one feeling empowered and looking in new directions. Evelyn is a guide that is there for you!

Feroshia Knight

“I now look at my parenting from a different angle. I appreciated the understanding and non-judgmental perspective Evelyn brings to her coaching.”

Melissa G.

“Evelyn’s insights are soulful and spot on. She gently guides learning and discovery with grace and ease – what an impact this has had on my personal growth!”

 Deanna L.

“This workshop has made me more aware of my actions regarding my kids. I now take more time to consider their perspective.”

Angela Newton

Watch my FREE training below to learn how to break the cycle of dysfunctional parenting in three steps!

Enter your email address to get a PDF copy sent to your inbox!
Step 1: Identify How Your Parent Impacted You.
Step 2: Decode Your Dysfunctional Parenting Habits.
Step 3: Break the Cycle & Create New Patterns.

Do you feel discouraged and defeated when your child has an emotional outburst that you can't control?

If you are triggered by your child's temper tantrums, meltdowns and emotional outbursts - you are not alone! I was too until I discovered a three step process to defuse emotional outbursts like a rockstar! Now I teach parents and teacher's how to use this simple process to help children calm down in the classroom & at home.

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Image of person hiding from family

are you sick and tired of yelling, threatening and bribing to get your child to cooperate?

I know how frustrating it is to be ignored when you need your child to get ready for school or brush their teeth at bedtime. Ugh, it can be infuriating right? Well, I used to feel that way too until I learned the six main listening blockers keeping my kids from hearing me and ten simple tools to engage cooperation organically. I can teach you these tools so your kids will finally listen and cooperate with you!

Shame-Free Discipline Strategy Rooted in Positive Discipline

Setting boundaries and using shame-free discipline can be one of the most difficult things to do in parenting. I used to struggle so much with this and had so much self doubt until I learned about Positive Discipline and created my own Shame-Free Discipline Strategy to help other parents who grew up in dysfunctional learn how to parent differently.

ashamed person hiding
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Are you stuck in toxic cycles with your kids that you can't seem to get out of?

If so, I was in your shoes not too long ago! I was getting triggered so easily and I couldn't figure out why. It wasn't until I learned more about dysfunctional parenting that I realized that I was using some crappy habits passed on to me from my parents that were robbing me of having a healthy relationship with my kids. That's why I created a way for parents like you to "Detox Your Crappy Habits" and finally get unstuck for good!

Image of Evelyn Reae Vieira

I’m Evelyn, I'm here to help you become the best version of yourself!

I struggled so much when I first became a step-mom, then a bio mom a few years later. I've been in your shoes, I know what it feels like to:

Be on an emotional rollercoaster & feel powerless as a parent.

Read parenting books & still feel like something is missing.

Try so hard to not yell & end up yelling anyway.

Set boundaries only to give in because it's easier.

Be filled with self doubt in my parenting abilities.

Secretly fear that I'm going to pass my baggage on to my kids.


If any of these things are familiar
I have a message for you

You are not alone!
You are not the problem!
You are not crazy!


Your Future Self Awaits

Imagine what it will feel like when you can:

Set Boundaries Like a BOSS: Follow through without guilt, even if your boundaries ruffle feathers or challenge the status quo.

Be Unapologetically You: Listen to your intuition and take up space, regardless of what others think.

Empower Instead of Enable: Hold your children and others accountable to build trust, responsibility, and respect.

Become the Bad Ass Parent You Were Born To Be: Embrace your gifts and feel confident in your parenting, knowing that you're empowering your children to become the best version of themselves.

Happy relationships

It’s Time to Rewrite Your Story

The power to heal lies within you. Let’s unleash it together.Your time to shine is NOW!

person booking a call